About this product

1. Having the functions of counting, unit conversion(karat, ounce etc) steady change, full scale flay, zero point track, the operation is simple and reliable.
2. Installed with RS232C interface inside, the produces can be directly connected to computers and printers etc.
3. Inside down_ weighing pothook. 

Product introduction
FA-B series electronic analyze balance weigh the sample by the electromagnetic gauge transducer, so it has the high precision, and high environment adjustability feature., At the same time having linear calibration, counting, unit converting. On the base of FA series technology, change the circuit to the VLSI in 2007, then adding the function of automatic inside weight calibration structure to get better steady, and rapid reaction Installed with RS232C interface inside, the produces can be directly connected to computers and printers etc, this series balance can be used widely in medicine research, school, enterprise and institution units, road build  and country defense as the ideal precision measuring instrument. 

·Artificial design, originative structure, handsome appearance. New generation of electromagnetic gauge transducer reliably guaranties the precision of the  products.

With many application programs, such as automatic fault detection, linear four point calibration, overloading protection and so on.
·Large back-lighted LCD makes the operator more comfortable.
·Inside decurrent weighing  hook.  

·Having the functions of counting, unit conversion(karat, ounce etc) steady change, full scale flay, zero point track, the operation is simple and reliable.
·Installed with RS232C interface inside, the produces can be directly connected to computers and printers etc.
·Inside down weighing pothook. 



Weight Range /mg


Accuracy /mg


Pan Size /mm


Size /mm

350 × 215 × 340mm

Work Distance /mm




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100g 0.1mg Manual Calibration Electronic Analyze Balance

  • Model #: Z0NB64S8
  • Availability: In Stock
  • WARRANTY: 90-Days
  • $458.00

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