If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (855) 799-6655.
If you are ready to inquire, please fill out this questionnaire form.

* Email

* First Name

* Last Name

* Company name

* Product/Service

* Warehouse Address

* City

* country

* state/province/region

* Zip Code

* Phone Number

* Does your company import?

* How many shipments per year?

* What is the average value per shipments?

* Does your product inventory for more than 30 days?

* How much duty do you pay annually?

* What is the average duty rate of your product?

* How much MPF do you pay annually?

* Do you export?

* Do you Kit / Assemble or Manufacture in the U.S.?

* Is your bussiness paying broker fees?

Any additional questions?