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Thank you for visiting our Wholesale Direct page. If you are here, it may be that you are looking to buy machinery and equipment products in large quantities through us and get the savings from our direct partners. Whether it be to resell, purchase for your company's next project or you want to buy quality equipment at the best price, we are here to help you.

We value your decision and as such, Toolots Inc. is dedicated to working with you to make that direct purchase. If you are in the market to purchase volume quantities, this is the place where you can achieve that goal.

Please contact us (866) 440-1971 and a representative will further assist you.
You can also fill out the form below to tell us a bit about your project.

One of our agents will review your request and contact you directly. Once we understand the request, then we can continue to move forward with your request.
why us


- Access over 2,000 top U.S. and Chinese suppliers
- Our expert supply chain management and internal price checks ensure the highest quality at the lowest prices


- Over 20 years of experience selling industrial machinery and equipment
- More than 60,000 end-customers served
- Products have been sold in 44 states in the US
- Efficient machinery and equipment procurement services

Equipment sales solutions for
various industries


Professional customer service, engineers and product managers
for machinery and equipment to ensure consistent quality

Intelligent warehouse in California, faster logistics support